Haus mit Pool
Villa Elvira, living by the lake, 2022-2024
Kinder- und Gemeindezentrum Pyhra, Wettbewerb 2023
Housing development, timber construction and brick, 2019-2021
Studentisches Wohnen - Projetkstudie
Wohnungsneubau Bernauer Straße 26/34, 2. Price
Municipality Görlitz 3rd price, 2017-2018
Eber, Building Study, Berlin 2016-2018
New home on old walls, Berlin 2018-2019
Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia Berlin, Client Advisor 2018-19
House on the hillside for a piano player, Schwarz, 2017-2019
Public pool in the south, Münster 2019
Quatier Heidestraße, Berlin 2017
Schönhauser Allee 22, Berlin 2010-2013
Remise at the vineyard, Berlin 2017-2018
Projectdevelopment for a 5 * Hotel at a lake, Lychen 2015
BIM Projekte
House by the lake, Ahrendsee – 2007-2009, architecture award: Houses in harmony with nature
Low cost housing, Rodgau, 2017-2018
Brunnen 49, Berlin 2013-16, Fiabci Prix de Excellence 2017
Sports- and Communication Center, Berlin 2016-2018, DNP German Neiborhood Award 2019
Museum Syke, Diepholz
Schönholzer 12, Berlin 2008-2010
Office international law firm, Berlin 2015
RB 32/33, Multistory Residential Building, 2009-2012
new bulidungs on a tiny island - 2018
Haus für zwei Ärzte, Schildow 2010-2012
Steinbeis School of Management and Innovation, Berlin 2006-2007
Neustädtische Kirchstraße Innenausbau
Neubau Bücherei der Gemeinde Lensahn, WB 2022
Raketik Content, Berlin 2001
House of Statistics, Berlin 2018
Haus der Jugend DUMBO, Heidelberg 2017
Neue Landungsbrücke, Hotel am Main in Volkach 2016
Entega - es werde Licht
Schreiner27, Wohnhausneubau und Altbausanierung 2007-2009