
Pfeif­fer Architek­ten plans and builds hous­es. Typ­i­cal­ly, all ser­vice phas­es of archi­tec­tur­al plan­ning, from the first sketch, the build­ing appli­ca­tion to the con­struc­tion and detail plan­ning, ten­der­ing and con­struc­tion man­age­ment are real­ized by the office. If desired, the archi­tec­tur­al design can be pre­ced­ed by project devel­op­ment or sup­ple­ment­ed by detailed plan­ning of inte­ri­ors, light­ing, fur­nish­ings, fab­rics and gardens.

To real­ize ideas, not only in the plan, but also in the built house, and at the same time to com­ply with all the reg­u­la­tions makes plan­ning and build­ing com­pli­cat­ed. The expe­ri­ence of more than twen­ty years of the office with more than one hun­dred real­ized projects, allows to iden­ti­fy in time the project-spe­cif­ic nec­es­sary con­sul­tants and to involve them. Tar­gets for oth­er plan­ning par­tic­i­pants, work struc­tures and coor­di­na­tion process­es are designed in such a way that qual­i­ty, dead­line and bud­get require­ments can be met in the best pos­si­ble way. If request­ed, Pfeif­fer Architek­ten is pleased to be com­mis­sioned as gen­er­al plan­ner to sim­pli­fy coor­di­na­tion for client.

The office‘s work focus­es on the new con­struc­tion of inner-city res­i­den­tial and com­mer­cial build­ings. Fur­ther focal points are inte­ri­or design and con­ver­sion of exist­ing struc­tures for com­mer­cial users such as law firms and cre­ative pro­fes­sion­als. In addi­tion, indi­vid­ual res­i­den­tial and stu­dio build­ings are redesigned or new­ly built and tem­po­rary archi­tec­tures are real­ized. The change from urban scales to small-scale tasks allows, while look­ing at the small, not to for­get the big and vice versa.

Awards and prizes from var­i­ous social asso­ci­a­tions for the new con­struc­tion of a small coun­try house by the lake, a gov­ern­ment cen­ter, a res­i­den­tial and com­mer­cial build­ing in the city, or the con­ver­sion of a wood­en shed tes­ti­fy the great exper­tise of the office in dif­fer­ent fields of archi­tec­ture. Planned and real­ized projects have been exhib­it­ed at the Muse­um of Archi­tec­ture in Moscow, the Aedes Gallery in Berlin and the Ned­er­lands Archi­tec­ture Insti­tute in Rot­ter­dam, among oth­ers, and have been pub­lished numer­ous times.

Archi­tec­ture is inde­pen­dent of the client and occu­pants part of the city, built envi­ron­ment. Occu­pants and clients want to gen­er­ate the best solu­tion for them­selves — the most beau­ti­ful view, the most sun, the great­est pos­si­ble util­i­sa­tion. Soci­ety in turn has a right to good archi­tec­ture.

Pfeif­fer Architek­ten sees itself as a medi­a­tor between the dif­fer­ent inter­ests, design­ing spaces and hous­es for the fla­neur, the inhab­i­tant of the city, as well as for the occu­pant. For long peri­ods of time, for a live­ly, diverse city.

Pfeif­fer Architek­ten cul­ti­vates a tech­nol­o­gy-open atti­tude. The most suit­able mate­ri­als and pro­cess­ing tech­nolo­gies for the real­iza­tion of the respec­tive task are sought, as well as the most bal­anced and effi­cient sup­ply con­cepts for heat, cold and ener­gy. Many years of expe­ri­ence help to dis­tin­guish between short-term trends and durable, sus­tain­able solu­tions that are bet­ter suit­ed to the high invest­ment sums involved in construction.

Pfeif­fer Architek­ten is pre­qual­i­fied for the Amtlich­es Unternehmer- und Liefer­an­ten­verze­ich­nis (ULV)
der Sen­atsver­wal­tung für Stad­ten­twick­lung, Bauen und Wohnen”, Berlin Dezem­ber 2022

Offi­cial list of entre­pre­neurs and sup­pli­ers of the direc­to­ry of the Sen­ate, Depart­ment of Urban Devel­op­ment, Build­ing and Housing

Pfeif­fer Architek­ten is cer­ti­fied coor­di­na­tor for sus­tain­able con­struc­tion accord­ing to BNB-Sys­tem
Architek­tenkam­mer Berlin und Fed­er­al Insti­tut for Research on Build­ing, Urban Affairs and Spa­tial Devel­op­ment (BBSR), 16. Jan­u­ar 2023