Multistory mixed-use building at Wall Memorial, 2013-2016, Berlin
Project Development and General Planning LP 1-9
Ausstellung der Architektenkammer Berlin – da! Architektur in und aus Berlin 2017
Official Selection des FIABCI Prix d´Excellence 2017
Building Berlin, The latest Architecture in and out of the Capital Vol 6
CUBE - Das Berliner Magazin für Architektur – Wohn- und Geschäftshaus am Mauerstreifen 2018
journal for architecture, housing and buisness at wall memorial
Archipendium 2020, Jubilee Edition, Best of 10 Years
Pfeiffer Architekten
project team
R. Pfeiffer, A. Henrion-Pfeiffer, U. Klöppel, V. Puls, A.-B. Ahlers
Brunnen49 GmbH
gross floor area
3,480 sqm
number of stories
geothermal energy, dynamic building decoupling, decentralized ventilation units with heat recovery, water resistant concrete, brick facade