Sport und Begegnung Sportplatz
VIKI Haus total 180 9324
Sport und Begegnung Detail
Sport und Begegnung Fenster
180 9375
Sport und Begegnung Decke
Sport und Begegnunszentrum Innen
IMG 5606

Sports- and Communication Center, Berlin 2016-2018

Supported by the European Union, European Regional Development Fund and Federal Ministry of Transport EFRE, Building and Urban Development, Urban Development Funding

Planning and execution september 2016 bis august 2018, LP 3–8
Berlin, Germany


DNP German Neighborhood Award 2019


ARGE B. Scheibenzuber und Pfeiffer Architekten

project team

B. Scheibenzuber, A. Henrion-Pfeiffer, V. Puls, Y. Fandke


Rot-Weiß Viktoria Mitte 08 e. V.

gross floor area

449,31 qm

number of stories



Meeting place, water trough, trainer's office, locker rooms,
sports and gymnastics room, viewing terrace, planting basin

Building services: connection to existing system and additional heat pump on the roof

Primary energy demand according to §5 EnEV 2014 156.9 kWh/(m2a)

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