

Ralf Pfeif­fer (Dipl-Ing., Architekt)
stud­ied archi­tec­ture at Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty Berlin and at Car­leton Uni­ver­si­ty, Ottawa, ON. Dur­ing his stud­ies he worked as a stage design­er for the­ater, film and opera pro­duc­tions. His Diplo­ma home­less hous­ing in Man­hat­tan – liv­ing in tran­si­tion at Pier 49” was award­ed with the Türk­litz price as the best archi­tec­tur­al work of his age group. Work­ing since 1993 as free­lance archi­tect and assis­tant pro­fes­sor for archi­tec­ture at TU Berlin from 1993 – 1998, he found­ed Pfeif­fer Architek­ten in 1998

Andrea Hen­ri­on-Pfeif­fer (Dipl.-Ing., M.Arch.) stud­ied archi­tec­ture at the TU Berlin and com­plet­ed the Mas­ter of Archi­tec­ture pro­gram at Ball State Uni­ver­si­ty Muncie Indi­ana USA, 1996. She grad­u­at­ed with the top­ic The Urban Obser­va­to­ry — Per­cep­tion in Space” in Chica­go. Back in Berlin she worked in con­struc­tion man­age­ment, ten­der­ing, con­tract­ing and con­tract man­age­ment and then in the plan­ning of res­i­den­tial, office, event and cul­tur­al build­ings in Hei­del­berg, Wolfs­burg and Berlin before she joined R. Pfeif­fer to run the office Pfeif­fer Architek­ten since 2006.
Cur­rent­ly, she is involved in high-qual­i­ty and cost-effec­tive hous­ing con­cepts and their imple­men­ta­tion, based on ideas for the use of sus­tain­able mate­ri­als and con­struc­tions. Her goal is to be involved in all phas­es of a project. The com­mon work in a team, the inten­sive exchange with all project par­tic­i­pants and a mutu­al appre­ci­a­tion as the over­rid­ing goal, is the basis for the suc­cess­ful project work of Pfeif­fer Architekten.

Cur­rent Employees

Insa Grote
Ondrej Vanek
Wiebke Paschen
Vik­to­ria Puls


Ann-Berit Ahlers
Emil Birk
Oyu­dari Bul­gan
Shaina Coul­ti­er
Magret Domko
Clau­dia Drees
Eleanore Duig­nan
Yvonne Fand­ke
Anton Fromm
Insa Grote
Jen­ny Hoff­mann
Ulf Klöp­pel
Susanne Lenze
Björn Merten
Anthonie Morinière
Felix Nibbes
Vanes­sa Pah­meier
Wiebke Paschen
Vik­to­ria Puls
Michaela Quast
Jan Rösch
Ines Rosen­brock
Dominik Schen­del
Nad­ja Schlieps
Jan Schom­bara
Eka­teri­ni Thomaid­is
Ondrej Vanek
Olé Vier­ck
Renate Wass­er